Professional info
Alison Vernon started painting in the late 1980's. Over the years, her painting style and technique have evolved. She quickly learned to appreciate the texture and richness of painting with palette knives. Alison’s use of knives in combination with her vibrant colors and fresh subject matter has made Alison a favorite of private as well as corporate collectors.
Artistic Experience and Awards
Selected Exhibitions (●Solo Shows)
2023 Naturally New England, Juried Show, Center for the Arts at the Livery, Sunapee NH
2019 All the Colors of the Rainbow, Juried Show, Library Arts Center, Newport NH May-July 2018
Naturally New England, Juried Show, Center for the Arts at the Livery, Sunapee NH August 2019
New London Hospital guest artist, New London, NH June-August 2019
New Hampshire Technical Institute, Guest Artist, Concord, NH October 2019
2018 Black & White, Library Arts Center, Newport NH, February-April 2018
Love, Lust, and Desire, McGowan Gallery, Concord NH, February 2018
●Forest Society, Concord NH, July-August 2018
●Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Lebanon, NH, October-December 2018
Art instructor for the Center for the Arts children’s program.
The Fells Arts Weekend Event, Newbury, NH, July
2017 The Fells Arts Weekend Event, Newbury, NH, July
2014 Reflective, The Hole Gallery, New London, NH
Florals, The Hole Gallery, New London, NH
Solo show Woodcrest Village, New London, NH, July 2014
Instructor Stump Dump Art New London NH, July 2014
Greensboro Arts and Crafts Show, Greensboro, NC April 2013
●Exhibitor at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, June 2013
Invited to be the first artist to show in the Lake Sunapee Bank’s pilot art program.
Trilogy, Three Mediums, at The Hole Gallery, New London, NH Feb 2013
Juried into the Stamford Art Festival, Stamford, Ct Sept 2013
The Fells Arts Weekend Event, Newbury, NH July 2013
Featured in the Image Magazine for pet portraits.
Cape Cod Art Festival Mashpee, Ma July 2012
Magical March Children’s Show at Little Brook Gallery March 2011
Small Works Show at The Fells, Sunapee, NH. May 2011
Boston Arts Festival 2011, Mayor’s Office of Arts and Tourism, Sept 2011
The Fells Artists Weekend, July 2011
Colby Sawyer College Artist Weekend, Oct 2011
●Red River Theater solo show, Oct 2011
Painting Division Winner in the “People’s Choice Concord Monitor Art Contest”
Cover and feature story in summer 2010 Colby Sawyer College Alumni
The Loon Project at Eastman, Grantham, NH
● “Paintings for Children” Traveling Art Show
Claremont Opera House, Claremont, NH. April, 2010
Wilmot Public Library, Wilmot, NH. May 2010
Tracy Memorial Library, New London, NH. June 2010
Sullivan County Nursing Home, NH. July-Oct 2010
Cape Cod Children’s Museum, MA Oct 2010-Jan 2011
Donation of prints to permanent collection at CT Children’s Hospital
Prints purchased for permanent collection: The Kaplan Family Hospice (pediatric wing) Danvers, MA
Participated in “Artist Weekend at the Fells” July 2010
● “All In A Row Show”, Little Brook Gallery July 2- Aug. 20, 2010
● “Magnificent Views of The Kearsarge/Sunapee Area” Aug. 21 – Sept.17, 2010
Juror for the Young at Art Show, New London Historical Society, NH
2009 ●Little Brook Gallery, New London, NH. “Children’s Art”
●Artist in Residence, The Balsams Resort, Dixville Notch, NH
Colby-Sawyer College Alumni Art Show and Sale, New London, NH.
Gnus of New London, New London, NH. Juror Bridgett LeRoy
Little Brook Gallery, New London, NH. “A Family Affair”
The Fells Arts Weekend Event, Newbury, NH , Juror Ron Brown
Little Brook Gallery, New London, NH. “Contemporary Works”
2008 ●Woodcrest Village, New London, NH “Florals”
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, Elisabeth Gordon
Franklin Pierce Law School, Concord, NH
St Lawrence River Rustic Show, Alexandria Bay, NY, Juror Dale Sears
Woodsum Gallery, Warner, NH. “Still Lifes”, “Spring Florals” Curator M. Morris
The Fells Arts Weekend Event, Newbury, NH , Juror Ron Brown
New London Historical Society Show, New London, NH, Juror Margaret Dwyer
2007 ●Little Brook Gallery, New London, NH. “NH Wildlife”
Aurora Colors Gallery, Petaluma, Ca. “California Wine Country”
Woodsum Gallery, Warner, NH. “Gardens!”
The Fells Arts Weekend Event, Newbury, NH , Juror Mary Cronenwetter
Long Beach Arts, Long Beach, Ca. “Room with a View”, juror Jay Belloli
●NH Forest Society, Concord, NH. “Trees”, juror Trish Churchill
NH State House (the Executive Chamber), juror First Lady Lynch
Awards, Honors and Reviews
Dartmouth-Hitchcock corporate collection, You Are Rosie, 2019
Cover and feature article in Colby Sawyer Alumni Magazine, Summer 2010
Cover and feature article in Image Magazine, Fall issue, 2009
Featured artist in Around Concord Magazine, Summer Issue, 2008
“Her Art is Spreading”, NH Chronicle, WMUR Television, Nov 30, 2007
“Little Brook Gallery”, Valley Business Journal, January 2007
Painting (Rooster with a Red Comb) selected for the cover of Kearsarge Magazine, Fall 2007
Painting (Chickadees at Sunset) selected for the cover of the NH Audubon Society Magazine, Winter issue, 2007
Painting (First Snow) selected for the cover of the New London Town Report, March 2007
"Cape Homes - Inside & Out", Inside Cape Cod Magazine, Early Summer, 2006, featuring "Rose, Hips & Bees II", commissioned by Pam Krueger
“Local Artist Shares her Talents”, Carolyn Dube, Argus Champion, February 2006
Best in Theme “Old and New”, New London Historical Society Annual Art Show, New London, N.H., 2006
Best in Theme “Nostalgia”, New London Historical Society Annual Art Show, New London, N.H., 2005
“Big Bang at BFW Gallery”, Cape Cod Times, November 2005
Victoria Shouldis, “Have Palette Knife, Will Paint”, Concord Monitor, September 2005
“Bugs, Birds, Landscapes: New Hampshire”, A-field NH Audubon Activities, September 2005
“New Hampshire Landscapes, Waterscapes, Flowers and Bugs: an Artist’s Perspective.” Forests Notes, Summer 2004
Painting (Blue Jay in Snow) selected for the annual holiday cover of the Kearsarge Shopper Magazine, 2004
Best in Theme “On the Road”, New London Historical Society Annual Art Show, New London, N.H., 2004
The Center for the Arts, New London, NH https://centerfortheartsnh.org/
Library Arts Center https://libraryartscenter.org/
Acrylic Artists https://www.facebook.com/groups/1485468471666444
Association of Traditional Hooking Artist https://www.atharugs.com/
2010 - present
2010 - present